Wheatley’s Honor Their Son
Lincoln Lewis Wheatley

Zachary and Kelly Wheatley will host the 3rd annual “Play For Gaucher” fundraising event on March 31, 2012, in Canton Ohio. This is the third in a series of Annual Memorial Charity Poker Events (www.playforgaucher.org) designed to have fun, to raise funds for medical research, but most importantly to remember and honor their son Lincoln. The event will begin at 6pm, at Patrolman’s Association Hall – 430 Walnut Avenue, Canton, Ohio. If you are in the area – sign up – have some fun – help us find a cure for children with Gaucher disease. Click here for details
Lincoln Lewis Wheatley
Lincoln Lewis Wheatley, son of Zachary & Kelly Wheatley, was born into this world on October 24, 2008. Unfortunately, and without anyone’s knowledge, he was also born with Gaucher’s Disease. At about 2 to 3 months of age, Lincoln began to exhibit the start of classical clinical symptoms related to the disease…however, the early symptoms are often common problems, such as cough and cold, poor weight gain, stiffness, etc. Thus, doctors rarely look to something as serious as this disease and for good reason. Hence, this is a primary issue with early diagnosis. With Lincoln, it wasn’t until his little weight gain and chronic breathing issues became too much that doctors started to look at other possibilities. Of course, Lincoln was smiling and happy the whole time, not a care in the world. Every doctor visit, every hospital stay…he was a trooper. At approx. 7 to 8
months of age and after an extended hospital stay, when doctors noticed an enlarging liver and spleen, it was determined that Lincoln may have Gaucher’s disease. Although very rare, Gaucher’s is part of the la