Keep It Simple
Find Sponsors

Many of our families and supporters have indicated that they would like to help raise funds for research, but they are not sure what to do. After years of watching what some have done there is commonality that exists within many successful fund raising activities. Here are some things to think about.
Do Something – do something that is fun and something you like – Golf – Bike Ride – Run – etc. Perhaps connect it to another event that is taking place that many people are participating in.
Tell The Story – communicate what you are doing – why you are doing it – and where the funds will go. Tell the compelling story of the CGRF. If you are a family who has lost a child, perhaps select a date that is special – your childs birthday, or heaven birthday. Make the event in honor of their memory.
Find Sponsors – put together a list of everyone you know. If you are hesitant to ask for sponsorships in person use email. Tell them what you are doing – why you are doing it – and where the funds will go. This does not have to be a hard sell – just share your comittment and you will be surprised who will step up and support your efforts.
Keep it Simple – the more complicated the less likely it will get off the ground. Here is a very simple example that comes to mind. John was going to golf at a Charity Golf Tournament for the CGRF. He passed around his office that he was going to ride his bike 50 miles to the golf course and he was looking for sponsors. Things got our of hand that first year and he alone raised $7,500. The following year six others asked if they could ride along with him. Now there were seven riders emailing everyone they knew telling them what they were doing – why they are doing it – and where the funds would go. It was pretty simple.
CLICK HERE and read what others have done, their creative ideas, that have allowed the CGRF to raise over $2M for medical research