CFC Donors …
Message from the President

1. 100% to Research – 100% of your donation goes directly to Parkinson’s research. Not one penny pays for administrative costs. My wife (Deborah) and I pay for all expenses to administer the Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation.
2. Scientific Advisory Board – We have assembled a Scientific Advisory Board of Parkinson’s experts – scientists who have devoted their careers to the study of Parkinson’s disease.
3. 21st Century Approach – We are pursuing a new approach to find a cure for Parkinson’s – The GBA Link
The Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation is supporting leading medical scientists in the United States and Europe who are pursuing a 21st century approach to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Prominent researchers at Harvard University, the National Institutes of Health, and University College London discovered the most common genetic risk factor for Parkinson disease – mutation of the GBA gene – a gene that causes a rare hereditary brain disorder called Gaucher. Carriers of this Gene are predisposed to the development of Parkinson’s – and – Recent and unexpected findings show the possibility of a shared pathogenic mechanism. The Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation is seeking a cure for Parkinson’s by funding medical research with prominent scientists who are focusing on the GBA Link. Medical history is awash with examples of progress being made on one disease as a result of links to another disease. Our International Scientific Advisory Board chooses cutting-edge multi-disciplinary medical research – research that takes a 21st Century approach – a new approach to solve the mystery of Parkinson’s.
One Small Discovery – can unlock the mystery. Your Gift – can help find a cure.
The only thing incurable, is our passion!
Gregory Macres, President – Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation